Euzkadi (newspaper)

Euzkadi was a daily newspaper published in Bilbao, Euzkadi. Its first edition was on 1 February 1913. Euzkadi published texts both in Basque and Spanish, and it employed one editor-in-chief for each language. The first editor-in-chief for Basque was writer Evaristo Bustintza. One of the Basque nationalist journalists who wrote for the paper was Manuel Aznar Zubigaray, who later would become a falangist. He was the grandfather of eventual Spanish prime minister José María Aznar. However, Basque nationalist refugees continued the publication of Euzkadi in Barcelona during 1938 and 1939.

Euzkadi (newspaper)

Euzkadi was a daily newspaper published in Bilbao, Euzkadi. Its first edition was on 1 February 1913. Euzkadi published texts both in Basque and Spanish, and it employed one editor-in-chief for each language. The first editor-in-chief for Basque was writer Evaristo Bustintza. One of the Basque nationalist journalists who wrote for the paper was Manuel Aznar Zubigaray, who later would become a falangist. He was the grandfather of eventual Spanish prime minister José María Aznar. However, Basque nationalist refugees continued the publication of Euzkadi in Barcelona during 1938 and 1939.