Manuel Aznar Zubigaray

Manuel Aznar Zubigaray (Etxalar, Navarre, 1893 – Madrid, 1975) was a diplomat under the Franco regime and one of the most important journalists of the 20th century in Spain. He was Director of some of the most important Spanish newspapers of the time, like "El Sol" and "La Vanguardia Española", the latter under the Francoist regime. He participated in many literary projects with his friend, Manuel Halcón, Marquis of Villar del Tajo. He also was director and one of the founders of the news agency EFE, President of the Madrid Journalist Association, Plenipotentiary Minister in the United States of America, and Spanish Ambassador to the UN, Morocco, and some countries in Latin America such as Argentina and the Dominican Republic. Besides his career in diplomacy and journalism, thanks to his c

Manuel Aznar Zubigaray

Manuel Aznar Zubigaray (Etxalar, Navarre, 1893 – Madrid, 1975) was a diplomat under the Franco regime and one of the most important journalists of the 20th century in Spain. He was Director of some of the most important Spanish newspapers of the time, like "El Sol" and "La Vanguardia Española", the latter under the Francoist regime. He participated in many literary projects with his friend, Manuel Halcón, Marquis of Villar del Tajo. He also was director and one of the founders of the news agency EFE, President of the Madrid Journalist Association, Plenipotentiary Minister in the United States of America, and Spanish Ambassador to the UN, Morocco, and some countries in Latin America such as Argentina and the Dominican Republic. Besides his career in diplomacy and journalism, thanks to his c