Fengsu Tongyi

Fengsu Tongyi (Chinese: 風俗通義; lit. Comprehensive Meaning of Customs and Mores), also known as Fengsu Tong, is a book written about 195 AD by Ying Shao, who lived during the later Eastern Han period. The manuscript is similar to an almanac, which describes various strange and exotic matters of interest to the literati of the period, such as cultural practices, mystical beliefs, and musical instruments.

Fengsu Tongyi

Fengsu Tongyi (Chinese: 風俗通義; lit. Comprehensive Meaning of Customs and Mores), also known as Fengsu Tong, is a book written about 195 AD by Ying Shao, who lived during the later Eastern Han period. The manuscript is similar to an almanac, which describes various strange and exotic matters of interest to the literati of the period, such as cultural practices, mystical beliefs, and musical instruments.