Ghodganga Sugar Factory

Ghodganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd is an establishment set up around 70 km east to Pune. Factory is recently named after founder Raosahebdada Pawar Ghodganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd (RPGSSKL). This project turned out to be the best achievement of Cooperative sugar factories and rural development. This set up is being conducive as sugar production is prime business for region. The project brings employment and social development. Sugarcane grower/farmers in the region are really encouraged by the establishment. The project started with capital share of local farmers.

Ghodganga Sugar Factory

Ghodganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd is an establishment set up around 70 km east to Pune. Factory is recently named after founder Raosahebdada Pawar Ghodganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd (RPGSSKL). This project turned out to be the best achievement of Cooperative sugar factories and rural development. This set up is being conducive as sugar production is prime business for region. The project brings employment and social development. Sugarcane grower/farmers in the region are really encouraged by the establishment. The project started with capital share of local farmers.