
Hibonite is a mineral with the chemical formula (Ca,Ce)(Al,Ti,Mg)12O19, occurring in various colours, with a hardness of 7.5–8.0 and a hexagonal crystal structure. It is rare, but is found in high-grade metamorphic rocks on Madagascar. Some presolar grains in primitive meteorites consist of hibonite. Hibonite also is a common mineral in the Ca-Al-rich inclusions found in some chondritic meteorites. Hibonite is closely related to hibonite-Fe (IMA 2009-027, (Fe,Mg)Al12O19)) an alteration mineral from the Allende meteorite.


Hibonite is a mineral with the chemical formula (Ca,Ce)(Al,Ti,Mg)12O19, occurring in various colours, with a hardness of 7.5–8.0 and a hexagonal crystal structure. It is rare, but is found in high-grade metamorphic rocks on Madagascar. Some presolar grains in primitive meteorites consist of hibonite. Hibonite also is a common mineral in the Ca-Al-rich inclusions found in some chondritic meteorites. Hibonite is closely related to hibonite-Fe (IMA 2009-027, (Fe,Mg)Al12O19)) an alteration mineral from the Allende meteorite.