was an animation company founded in 1999 by Jonathan Collier, Howard Gordon, Rob LaZebnik, Scott Rupp, and Tal Vigderson. The founders stated that the company was created to capitalize on the inherent "freedom of the medium" which they felt stifled creativity of writers due to the confining restrictions of the studio system and traditional media. The company has paired with Mondo Media in a number of shows. Currently, most of the content from the website is now available via the official YouTube channel called Icebox. On June 5, 2018, moved their website to was an animation company founded in 1999 by Jonathan Collier, Howard Gordon, Rob LaZebnik, Scott Rupp, and Tal Vigderson. The founders stated that the company was created to capitalize on the inherent "freedom of the medium" which they felt stifled creativity of writers due to the confining restrictions of the studio system and traditional media. The company has paired with Mondo Media in a number of shows. Currently, most of the content from the website is now available via the official YouTube channel called Icebox. On June 5, 2018, moved their website to