Queer Duck: The Movie

Queer Duck: The Movie, is a 2006 American adult animated musical comedy film based on the popular web series Queer Duck, produced by Icebox.com for Mishmash Media, Inc. The film first aired on the gay-themed channel Logo on July 16, 2006, and then had a direct-to-DVD release on July 18, 2006, from Paramount Home Entertainment. It was available for free to The Paramount Vault YouTube channel from April 3, 2015, to early 2017.

Queer Duck: The Movie

Queer Duck: The Movie, is a 2006 American adult animated musical comedy film based on the popular web series Queer Duck, produced by Icebox.com for Mishmash Media, Inc. The film first aired on the gay-themed channel Logo on July 16, 2006, and then had a direct-to-DVD release on July 18, 2006, from Paramount Home Entertainment. It was available for free to The Paramount Vault YouTube channel from April 3, 2015, to early 2017.