Jordan Bonel

Jordan Bonel, sometimes also de Confolens (fl. late 12th century), was a troubadour from western Aquitaine about whom very little is definitively known except that he was associated with the court of Alfonso II of Aragon. His vida states that he was from Saintonge and he appears to have been contemporary with Bertran de Born. His surviving corpus probably consists of three cansos, wherein only one is attributed to him, though its melody survives: A Chales vai, chansos, a midons dire,A Na Guiborc cui beutatz saup eslireE pretz e jois e largues' e valors,Qe a leis mi clam de sos mals noiridors.

Jordan Bonel

Jordan Bonel, sometimes also de Confolens (fl. late 12th century), was a troubadour from western Aquitaine about whom very little is definitively known except that he was associated with the court of Alfonso II of Aragon. His vida states that he was from Saintonge and he appears to have been contemporary with Bertran de Born. His surviving corpus probably consists of three cansos, wherein only one is attributed to him, though its melody survives: A Chales vai, chansos, a midons dire,A Na Guiborc cui beutatz saup eslireE pretz e jois e largues' e valors,Qe a leis mi clam de sos mals noiridors.