
Migs Mayfeld is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise who appears in the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian. He is a former Imperial sharpshooter turned mercenary who leads a crew in an attempt to rescue a prisoner from a New Republic prison transport ship. His team includes the show's protagonist, "The Mandalorian", with whom he repeatedly clashes and ultimately betrays. The Mandalorian outsmarts him, resulting in Mayfeld's arrest and imprisonment, though he is later released so that he can aid the Mandalorian's efforts to rescue Grogu. As a result, the character evolves from a minor antagonist to a viable ally of the Mandalorian, with whom he eventually makes amends during their mission.


Migs Mayfeld is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise who appears in the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian. He is a former Imperial sharpshooter turned mercenary who leads a crew in an attempt to rescue a prisoner from a New Republic prison transport ship. His team includes the show's protagonist, "The Mandalorian", with whom he repeatedly clashes and ultimately betrays. The Mandalorian outsmarts him, resulting in Mayfeld's arrest and imprisonment, though he is later released so that he can aid the Mandalorian's efforts to rescue Grogu. As a result, the character evolves from a minor antagonist to a viable ally of the Mandalorian, with whom he eventually makes amends during their mission.