Minimisation (psychology)

Minimisation or minimization is a type of deception involving denial coupled with rationalisation/rationalization in situations where complete denial is implausible. It is the opposite of exaggeration.Minimisation, or downplaying the significance of an event or emotion, is a common strategy in dealing with feelings of guilt. Words associated with minimisation include: * belittling * discounting * downplaying * euphemism * invalidation * making light of * meiosis * minification * minimise * trivialising * underplaying * understating

Minimisation (psychology)

Minimisation or minimization is a type of deception involving denial coupled with rationalisation/rationalization in situations where complete denial is implausible. It is the opposite of exaggeration.Minimisation, or downplaying the significance of an event or emotion, is a common strategy in dealing with feelings of guilt. Words associated with minimisation include: * belittling * discounting * downplaying * euphemism * invalidation * making light of * meiosis * minification * minimise * trivialising * underplaying * understating