Old Copper Complex

Old Copper Complex or Old Copper Culture were ancient Native North American societies known to have extensively produced and used copper for weaponry and tools. The archeological evidence of smelting or alloying is subject to some dispute, and it is commonly believed that objects were cold-worked into shape. Artifacts from some of these sites have been dated from 7500 to 1000 BCE. Furthermore, some archaeologists are convinced by the artifactual and structural evidence for metal casting by Hopewellian and Mississippian peoples.

Old Copper Complex

Old Copper Complex or Old Copper Culture were ancient Native North American societies known to have extensively produced and used copper for weaponry and tools. The archeological evidence of smelting or alloying is subject to some dispute, and it is commonly believed that objects were cold-worked into shape. Artifacts from some of these sites have been dated from 7500 to 1000 BCE. Furthermore, some archaeologists are convinced by the artifactual and structural evidence for metal casting by Hopewellian and Mississippian peoples.