Principality of Auersperg

The House of Auersperg (Slovene: Auerspergi or Turjaški) is an Austrian princely family, which held estates in Austria and Tengen (in Baden-Württemberg, Germany). The princely family of Auersperg was a junior branch of the house of Counts of Auersperg from Carniola, one of the hereditary Habsburg duchies in what is now Slovenia. It rose to princely status in 1653 and after acquiring Tengen, they became immediate Princes of the Holy Roman Empire. The princes of Auersperg also held at various times the duchies of Münsterberg and Gottschee. Their territories were mediatised by Austria and Baden in 1806. The family is counted as high nobility.

Principality of Auersperg

The House of Auersperg (Slovene: Auerspergi or Turjaški) is an Austrian princely family, which held estates in Austria and Tengen (in Baden-Württemberg, Germany). The princely family of Auersperg was a junior branch of the house of Counts of Auersperg from Carniola, one of the hereditary Habsburg duchies in what is now Slovenia. It rose to princely status in 1653 and after acquiring Tengen, they became immediate Princes of the Holy Roman Empire. The princes of Auersperg also held at various times the duchies of Münsterberg and Gottschee. Their territories were mediatised by Austria and Baden in 1806. The family is counted as high nobility.