Segal–Bargmann space

In mathematics, the Segal–Bargmann space (for Irving Segal and Valentine Bargmann), also known as the Bargmann space or Bargmann–Fock space, is the space of holomorphic functions F in n complex variables satisfying the square-integrability condition: where here dz denotes the 2n-dimensional Lebesgue measure on It is a Hilbert space with respect to the associated inner product:

Segal–Bargmann space

In mathematics, the Segal–Bargmann space (for Irving Segal and Valentine Bargmann), also known as the Bargmann space or Bargmann–Fock space, is the space of holomorphic functions F in n complex variables satisfying the square-integrability condition: where here dz denotes the 2n-dimensional Lebesgue measure on It is a Hilbert space with respect to the associated inner product: