TS Playfair

TS Playfair is a traditionally-rigged brigantine training ship operated by , a sail-training Canadian registered charity based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada though as of 2021 it will be based in Hamilton Ontario. Playfair is used for a youth sail training program on the Great Lakes during the summer months. This program is one of the very few sail training programs where all of the crew except for the captain are in high school (13–19 years old). The summer training is followed by a winter program where youth work through higher levels of training syllabus to become accredited members of the crew the following year.

TS Playfair

TS Playfair is a traditionally-rigged brigantine training ship operated by , a sail-training Canadian registered charity based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada though as of 2021 it will be based in Hamilton Ontario. Playfair is used for a youth sail training program on the Great Lakes during the summer months. This program is one of the very few sail training programs where all of the crew except for the captain are in high school (13–19 years old). The summer training is followed by a winter program where youth work through higher levels of training syllabus to become accredited members of the crew the following year.