Thomas Bradshaw (poet)

Thomas Bradshaw (fl. 1591) was an English poet, the author of The Shepherd's Starre. The Shepherd's Starre begins: "Now of late scene and at this hower to be obserued, merueilous orient in the East: which bringeth glad tydings to all that may behold her brightnes, having the foure elements with the foure capitall vertues in her, which makes her elementall and a vanquishor of all earthly humors." Then follows a dedication to "The Right Honorables, and puissant Barons, Robert Deuereux Earle of Essex, and unto Thomas Lord Burgh". Next comes a prose address to the author from his brother and publisher, Alexander. Then follows a group of letters: (1) "I. M. Esquier, his farewell to England and to the Author", (2) "The Author's farewell to England, and to his most intier friend I. M.", and (3) "

Thomas Bradshaw (poet)

Thomas Bradshaw (fl. 1591) was an English poet, the author of The Shepherd's Starre. The Shepherd's Starre begins: "Now of late scene and at this hower to be obserued, merueilous orient in the East: which bringeth glad tydings to all that may behold her brightnes, having the foure elements with the foure capitall vertues in her, which makes her elementall and a vanquishor of all earthly humors." Then follows a dedication to "The Right Honorables, and puissant Barons, Robert Deuereux Earle of Essex, and unto Thomas Lord Burgh". Next comes a prose address to the author from his brother and publisher, Alexander. Then follows a group of letters: (1) "I. M. Esquier, his farewell to England and to the Author", (2) "The Author's farewell to England, and to his most intier friend I. M.", and (3) "