Weeks manifold

In mathematics, the Weeks manifold, sometimes called the Fomenko–Matveev–Weeks manifold, is a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold obtained by (5, 2) and (5, 1) Dehn surgeries on the Whitehead link. It has volume approximately equal to 0.942707… (OEIS: ) and David Gabai, Robert Meyerhoff, and Peter Milley showed that it has the smallest volume of any closed orientable hyperbolic 3-manifold. The manifold was independently discovered by Jeffrey Weeks as well as Sergei V. Matveev and Anatoly T. Fomenko .

Weeks manifold

In mathematics, the Weeks manifold, sometimes called the Fomenko–Matveev–Weeks manifold, is a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold obtained by (5, 2) and (5, 1) Dehn surgeries on the Whitehead link. It has volume approximately equal to 0.942707… (OEIS: ) and David Gabai, Robert Meyerhoff, and Peter Milley showed that it has the smallest volume of any closed orientable hyperbolic 3-manifold. The manifold was independently discovered by Jeffrey Weeks as well as Sergei V. Matveev and Anatoly T. Fomenko .