
Wujiquan (Chinese (無極拳): Pinyin: Wujiquan; Wade-Giles: Wu Chi Chuan ): ‘Ultimate Void Boxing’: A Rare and Secret Ultimate Void Boxing Skill, and Mother Art of Taijiquan; from Wuji comes Tai-ji The Wujiquan System is composed of 36 ‘Characters’: 18 kinds of natural climatic phenomena, and 18 of Qi applications. Another form of Wujiquan is said to originate from Zhang San Feng. It is said that after he created Taiji, Zhang San Feng created Wuji. This form of Wuji is passed down by Shouyu Liang in Vancouver.


Wujiquan (Chinese (無極拳): Pinyin: Wujiquan; Wade-Giles: Wu Chi Chuan ): ‘Ultimate Void Boxing’: A Rare and Secret Ultimate Void Boxing Skill, and Mother Art of Taijiquan; from Wuji comes Tai-ji The Wujiquan System is composed of 36 ‘Characters’: 18 kinds of natural climatic phenomena, and 18 of Qi applications. Another form of Wujiquan is said to originate from Zhang San Feng. It is said that after he created Taiji, Zhang San Feng created Wuji. This form of Wuji is passed down by Shouyu Liang in Vancouver.