Exploratory Data Analysis about the Iris

In this datastory, we are conducting an exploratory analysis on Iris dataset. Iris flower dataset has information on the three related species of Iris flowers in order for quantification of their morphologic variation. Below, there are several tables using SPARQL queries that show variations between and within the Iris flower species.

The table below (Table 1) shows petal and sepal information about the first five instances in Iris dataset. Also, the datatypes are mentioned next to the values.

Table 1. Petal length and width as well as sepal length and width for the five instances of Iris Setosa.

Further, the table below (Table 2) shows information about each flower instance, regarding the species type, the petal and the sepal. Also, you can select the type of species in order to view its instances and the relevant information.

Table 2. Type, petal length and width as well as sepal length and width for each flower instance.

Chart 1. Petal length for each flower instance in the three different Iris species. (Scatterplot)

Chart 2. Petal length and width as well as sepal length and width for each flower instance. (Scatterplot)

Chart 3. Interactive scatterplot showing the instances of each Iris species in a different color. The user can select the x and y axis from options including petal and sepal width and length.

Gallery. Country descriptions with the species of Iris flower present.