
Caroline? is a 1990 American drama film that aired on CBS on April 29, 1990, part of the Hallmark Hall of Fame anthology series. The movie, based on E. L. Konigsburg's novel Father's Arcane Daughter, stars Stephanie Zimbalist, Pamela Reed, and George Grizzard. The film is directed by Joseph Sargent. The film went on to win three Primetime Emmy Awards.


Caroline? is a 1990 American drama film that aired on CBS on April 29, 1990, part of the Hallmark Hall of Fame anthology series. The movie, based on E. L. Konigsburg's novel Father's Arcane Daughter, stars Stephanie Zimbalist, Pamela Reed, and George Grizzard. The film is directed by Joseph Sargent. The film went on to win three Primetime Emmy Awards.