Hack and slash

Hack and slash or hack and slay, abbreviated H&S or HnS, refers to a type of gameplay that emphasizes combat. The term "hack and slash" was originally used to describe a play style in tabletop role-playing games, carrying over from there to MUDs, MMORPGs, and role-playing video games. In console- and arcade-style video games, the usage specifically implies a focus on combat with hand-to-hand weapons as opposed to guns. The term is often written in hyphenated form and with the conjunction contracted, e.g. hack-and-slash, hack 'n' slay.

Hack and slash

Hack and slash or hack and slay, abbreviated H&S or HnS, refers to a type of gameplay that emphasizes combat. The term "hack and slash" was originally used to describe a play style in tabletop role-playing games, carrying over from there to MUDs, MMORPGs, and role-playing video games. In console- and arcade-style video games, the usage specifically implies a focus on combat with hand-to-hand weapons as opposed to guns. The term is often written in hyphenated form and with the conjunction contracted, e.g. hack-and-slash, hack 'n' slay.