Hot Club Records

Hot Club Records is a jazz record label established 1982, by guitarist Jon Larsen in Oslo, Norway. More than 350 released CDs, DVDs and books, mostly jazz related. Some artists on Hot Club Records: Chet Baker, Philip Catherine, Warne Marsh, and the poet Jan Erik Vold. In 1988 Hot Club Records established the Vintage Guitar Series, which became influential on the international renaissance of the gypsy jazz, inspired by the music of Django Reinhardt. Some artists in this series: Stephane Grappelli, Stochelo Rosenberg, Angelo Debarre, Jon Larsen, Andreas Oberg, Jimmy Rosenberg, and others.

Hot Club Records

Hot Club Records is a jazz record label established 1982, by guitarist Jon Larsen in Oslo, Norway. More than 350 released CDs, DVDs and books, mostly jazz related. Some artists on Hot Club Records: Chet Baker, Philip Catherine, Warne Marsh, and the poet Jan Erik Vold. In 1988 Hot Club Records established the Vintage Guitar Series, which became influential on the international renaissance of the gypsy jazz, inspired by the music of Django Reinhardt. Some artists in this series: Stephane Grappelli, Stochelo Rosenberg, Angelo Debarre, Jon Larsen, Andreas Oberg, Jimmy Rosenberg, and others.