The Jimmy Carl Black Story

The Jimmy Carl Black Story (recorded prior to Black’s passing from cancer in 2008), is a double album from guitarist Jon Larsen on his label, Zonic Entertainment/Hot Club Records. Joined by Zappa alumni Jimmy Carl Black (vocal and telephone) and Tommy Mars (keyboards), along with Knut Reiersrud (guitar and harmonica), Ola Kvernberg (violin), and Rob Waring (marimba).

The Jimmy Carl Black Story

The Jimmy Carl Black Story (recorded prior to Black’s passing from cancer in 2008), is a double album from guitarist Jon Larsen on his label, Zonic Entertainment/Hot Club Records. Joined by Zappa alumni Jimmy Carl Black (vocal and telephone) and Tommy Mars (keyboards), along with Knut Reiersrud (guitar and harmonica), Ola Kvernberg (violin), and Rob Waring (marimba).