Catechumen (video game)

Catechumen (/ˌkætəˈkjuːmən/) is a 3D Roman first-person shooter video game developed by the now defunct N'Lightning Software and released in 2000. Catechumen is one of the highest budgeted Christian video games ever created. N'Lightning Software spent nearly $830,000 in the development of Catechumen, although the game's disappointing sales along with its spiritual successor released in 2001, Ominous Horizons: A Paladin's Calling, eventually led to the company's disbandment.

Catechumen (video game)

Catechumen (/ˌkætəˈkjuːmən/) is a 3D Roman first-person shooter video game developed by the now defunct N'Lightning Software and released in 2000. Catechumen is one of the highest budgeted Christian video games ever created. N'Lightning Software spent nearly $830,000 in the development of Catechumen, although the game's disappointing sales along with its spiritual successor released in 2001, Ominous Horizons: A Paladin's Calling, eventually led to the company's disbandment.