Danube Valley Railway (Baden-Württemberg)

The Danube Valley Railway (German: Donautalbahn or Donaubahn) in Baden-Württemberg in south-western Germany is a 133.8-kilometre-long railway running from the city of Ulm to Immendingen, which is largely single-tracked and for the most part not electrified. The line is famous especially for its charming course through the Upper Danube Nature Park (Naturpark Obere Donau), and is particularly attractive to bicycle tourists. The Royal Württemberg State Railways and the Grand Duchy of Baden State Railways built the line as part of the railway projects undertaken between 1865 and 1890. The construction of the section between Tuttlingen and Inzigkofen was pushed through by the German general staff, for whom the Danube Valley Railway was seen as a strategic railway in case of another war with Fra

Danube Valley Railway (Baden-Württemberg)

The Danube Valley Railway (German: Donautalbahn or Donaubahn) in Baden-Württemberg in south-western Germany is a 133.8-kilometre-long railway running from the city of Ulm to Immendingen, which is largely single-tracked and for the most part not electrified. The line is famous especially for its charming course through the Upper Danube Nature Park (Naturpark Obere Donau), and is particularly attractive to bicycle tourists. The Royal Württemberg State Railways and the Grand Duchy of Baden State Railways built the line as part of the railway projects undertaken between 1865 and 1890. The construction of the section between Tuttlingen and Inzigkofen was pushed through by the German general staff, for whom the Danube Valley Railway was seen as a strategic railway in case of another war with Fra