Ulm Hauptbahnhof

Ulm Hauptbahnhof is the main station in the city of Ulm, which lies on the Danube, on the border of the German states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in the Danube-Iller region (Region Donau-Iller). Ulm Hauptbahnhof has twelve platforms, of which five are terminating platforms, and forms a major railway junction. Other stations in the city are Ulm-Söflingen to the west and Ulm Ost (east) to the east and Ulm-Donautal (Danube valley) in the industrial area. The Ulm marshalling yard is located to the west of the city. Neu-Ulm (New Ulm), which lies across the Danube in Bavaria, has the stations of Neu-Ulm, Finningerstraße and Gerlenhofen.

Ulm Hauptbahnhof

Ulm Hauptbahnhof is the main station in the city of Ulm, which lies on the Danube, on the border of the German states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in the Danube-Iller region (Region Donau-Iller). Ulm Hauptbahnhof has twelve platforms, of which five are terminating platforms, and forms a major railway junction. Other stations in the city are Ulm-Söflingen to the west and Ulm Ost (east) to the east and Ulm-Donautal (Danube valley) in the industrial area. The Ulm marshalling yard is located to the west of the city. Neu-Ulm (New Ulm), which lies across the Danube in Bavaria, has the stations of Neu-Ulm, Finningerstraße and Gerlenhofen.