Regional Unity Party

The 'Regional Unity Party (Indonesian: Partai Persatuan Daerah) is a political party in Indonesia. The party was founded as a result of the reforms to the People's Consultative Assembly, Indonesia's supreme law-making body which used to consist of the elected People's Representative Council plus members appointed from the regions and functional groups. When these unelected members were removed in 1999 after the first democratic elections following the fall of Suharto, several regional representatives' led by Oesman Sapta, tried to reestablish the Regional Representatives Faction. The members of this faction took the view that the elected Regional Representatives Council, which replaced the unelected members of the People's Consultative Assembly, would not be effective as it was too small.

Regional Unity Party

The 'Regional Unity Party (Indonesian: Partai Persatuan Daerah) is a political party in Indonesia. The party was founded as a result of the reforms to the People's Consultative Assembly, Indonesia's supreme law-making body which used to consist of the elected People's Representative Council plus members appointed from the regions and functional groups. When these unelected members were removed in 1999 after the first democratic elections following the fall of Suharto, several regional representatives' led by Oesman Sapta, tried to reestablish the Regional Representatives Faction. The members of this faction took the view that the elected Regional Representatives Council, which replaced the unelected members of the People's Consultative Assembly, would not be effective as it was too small.