Vanilla andamanica

Vanilla andamanica is an endangered wild relative of commercial vanilla, Vanilla planifolia, the source of Vanilla essence. It grows in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India in the Bay of Bengal., and classified as a Vulnerable species (VU) by the IUCN Red List. It has creamy white fragrant flowers, and was first identified by botanist, Robert Allen Rolfe in 1918. Today, it is part of Floriculture emphasis in the island state., also conserved in the 'Dhanikhari Experimental Botanic Garden', Port Blair, by Botanical Survey of India

Vanilla andamanica

Vanilla andamanica is an endangered wild relative of commercial vanilla, Vanilla planifolia, the source of Vanilla essence. It grows in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India in the Bay of Bengal., and classified as a Vulnerable species (VU) by the IUCN Red List. It has creamy white fragrant flowers, and was first identified by botanist, Robert Allen Rolfe in 1918. Today, it is part of Floriculture emphasis in the island state., also conserved in the 'Dhanikhari Experimental Botanic Garden', Port Blair, by Botanical Survey of India