
Vanilloideae is one of the subfamilies of orchids belonging to the large family Orchidaceae. Lindley (1836) and even Garay (1986) used to treat it as a separate family Vanillaceae. But their single, incumbent anther and poorly organised pollinia led to their recognition as at best a subgroup of monandrous orchids. But, from a molecular point of view, this clade is rather a sister to subfamily Epidendroideae and subfamily Orchidoideae in the Orchidaceae, and thus it is today also considered a subfamily. Their distribution is pantropical, throughout Asia, Australia and the Americas.


Vanilloideae is one of the subfamilies of orchids belonging to the large family Orchidaceae. Lindley (1836) and even Garay (1986) used to treat it as a separate family Vanillaceae. But their single, incumbent anther and poorly organised pollinia led to their recognition as at best a subgroup of monandrous orchids. But, from a molecular point of view, this clade is rather a sister to subfamily Epidendroideae and subfamily Orchidoideae in the Orchidaceae, and thus it is today also considered a subfamily. Their distribution is pantropical, throughout Asia, Australia and the Americas.