An encrypted document intended for a set of recipients.
An endorsement resource containing a detached ascii signature.
A class used to represent a PG ...... erson, group or organization).
An event describing the action of a public key being signed by some other public key.
A user (agent, person, group or organization) of a PGP/GPG public key.
A property linking a public key to the user of the key.
A property linking a document ...... ng a detached ascii signature.
A property linking an encrypted document to a recipient.
A property linking an encrypted document to the public key that was used to encrypt it.
A public key hex fingerprint string (40 digits, white space insignificant).
A property to link a PubKey from a User
A public key hex identifier string (8 digits).
A numeric string representing the length, in bytes, of a public key.
The location of an ascii version of a public key.
The date of a public key signature event.
A property linking a public key to a public key signature event.
A property linking a public key signature event to the public key that was used to sign.
The time (of day) of a public key signature event.