
DataID is a way of describing Linked-Open-Data (LOD) datasets including content, authors, licenses and provenance via RDF files. Making your data accessible to others is the basic idea of LOD and is your contribution to a universal data give and take. To create DataIDs alongside datasets is the best way of announcing a new dataset and its updates to a global community by placing it in the LOD cloud. Validating and delivering metadata files in a uniform way, as well as providing the ability to query for datasets are main objectives of the DBpedia/DataID project. To learn more including how to draft an new DataID, please visit


DataID is a way of describing Linked-Open-Data (LOD) datasets including content, authors, licenses and provenance via RDF files. Making your data accessible to others is the basic idea of LOD and is your contribution to a universal data give and take. To create DataIDs alongside datasets is the best way of announcing a new dataset and its updates to a global community by placing it in the LOD cloud. Validating and delivering metadata files in a uniform way, as well as providing the ability to query for datasets are main objectives of the DBpedia/DataID project. To learn more including how to draft an new DataID, please visit