
The TSNFeature concept is the super class of features of a TSN (i.e., a geographic resource). The features of a TSN may be TerritoryVersion, LevelVersion and UnitVersion resources. The TSNFeature concept is a sub class of the geosparql:Feature concept of the OGC Geosparql ontology (please consult http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Feature for a definition of this concept)


The TSNFeature concept is the super class of features of a TSN (i.e., a geographic resource). The features of a TSN may be TerritoryVersion, LevelVersion and UnitVersion resources. The TSNFeature concept is a sub class of the geosparql:Feature concept of the OGC Geosparql ontology (please consult http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Feature for a definition of this concept)