DOLCE+DnS Ultralite

The DOLCE+DnS Ultralite ontology. It is a simplification of some parts of the DOLCE Lite-Plus library (cf. Main aspects in which DOLCE+DnS Ultralite departs from DOLCE Lite-Plus are the following: - The names of classes and relations have been made more intuitive - The DnS-related part is closer to the newer 'constructive DnS' ontology ( - Temporal and spatial relations are simplified - Qualities and regions are more relaxed than in DOLCE-Full: they can be used as attributes of any entity, although two axioms state that each quality has a region and viceversa - Axiomatization makes use of simpler constructs than DOLCE Lite-Plus - The architecture of the ontology is pattern-based, which means that DOLCE+DnS Ultralite is also available in modules, called 'content ontology design patterns', which can be applied independently in the design of domain ontologies (cf. If many modules are needed in a same ontology project, it is anyway useful to use this integrated version. The final result is a lightweight, easy-to-apply foundational ontology for modeling either physical or social contexts. Several extensions of DOLCE+DnS Ultralite have been designed; see for example the extensions for information objects:, for systems:, for plans:, for the legal domain:, and for the lexical and semiotic domains:; etc.

DOLCE+DnS Ultralite

The DOLCE+DnS Ultralite ontology. It is a simplification of some parts of the DOLCE Lite-Plus library (cf. Main aspects in which DOLCE+DnS Ultralite departs from DOLCE Lite-Plus are the following: - The names of classes and relations have been made more intuitive - The DnS-related part is closer to the newer 'constructive DnS' ontology ( - Temporal and spatial relations are simplified - Qualities and regions are more relaxed than in DOLCE-Full: they can be used as attributes of any entity, although two axioms state that each quality has a region and viceversa - Axiomatization makes use of simpler constructs than DOLCE Lite-Plus - The architecture of the ontology is pattern-based, which means that DOLCE+DnS Ultralite is also available in modules, called 'content ontology design patterns', which can be applied independently in the design of domain ontologies (cf. If many modules are needed in a same ontology project, it is anyway useful to use this integrated version. The final result is a lightweight, easy-to-apply foundational ontology for modeling either physical or social contexts. Several extensions of DOLCE+DnS Ultralite have been designed; see for example the extensions for information objects:, for systems:, for plans:, for the legal domain:, and for the lexical and semiotic domains:; etc.