Eliana Rubashkyn

Eliana Rubashkyn (born 25 June 1988) is a Colombian–born formerly stateless New Zealander, known internationally for being the first intersex person assigned male at birth legally recognised as a woman with a U.N. mechanism under the international refugee statute. Rubashkyn is a pharmacist, chemist and polyglot; Eliana currently works as a harm reduction scientist and develops campaigns of support addressed to LGBTI asylum seekers, refugees and intersex persons in New Zealand.

Eliana Rubashkyn

Eliana Rubashkyn (born 25 June 1988) is a Colombian–born formerly stateless New Zealander, known internationally for being the first intersex person assigned male at birth legally recognised as a woman with a U.N. mechanism under the international refugee statute. Rubashkyn is a pharmacist, chemist and polyglot; Eliana currently works as a harm reduction scientist and develops campaigns of support addressed to LGBTI asylum seekers, refugees and intersex persons in New Zealand.